Join The Small Business Ministerial Councils

Applications are now open for people who want to be part of change for Victorian small businesses by joining the Small Business Ministerial Council or Multicultural Business Ministerial Council.

Minister for Small Business Natalie Suleyman today put out the call for people with experience working in and with Victorian small businesses to apply to be part of the Small Business Ministerial Council or Multicultural Business Ministerial Council.

With small businesses comprising 97% of the businesses in Victoria, the Councils will play an important role in providing advice and giving feedback to the Minister for Small Business, delivering a direct line into Government decision-making.

Small businesses are at the heart of local economies and communities, creating local jobs, growth and better opportunities.

By working together with the Councils and other key stakeholders, the Victorian Government is ensuring small businesses are heard, consulted and engaged in this dynamic sector – driving stronger outcomes for businesses that contribute so much to Victoria.

If you are interested in shaping Government policy, engaging with businesses from across the State and contributing your expertise to drive better outcomes for small business, the Victorian Government wants to hear from you.

Applications are now open for interested people to be considered for appointment as a chairperson or member to the Small Business Ministerial Council or Multicultural Business Ministerial Council.

To nominate or find out more visit

Applications close at 11.59pm on 14 March 2024.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Small Business Natalie Suleyman

“Small businesses are the backbone of our economy and Victoria is home to so many dedicated and passionate people working in the small business sector.”

“The Small Business and Multicultural Business Councils will be important forums to drive stronger outcomes and opportunities for Victorian businesses.”

240220 - Join The Small Business Ministerial Councils.pdf


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